Scaling Trust Versus Trusting Code

Lee Bryant reflects on divergent visions for the future of the digital organisation. Towards digital organisations in 2022 🎉 2022 looks set to be a year of divergent visions of what a digital organisation means and how it is organised. Most things that matter in life...

Trustfulness and professionalism

Last week, I took part in two events at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) concerned with the future of the accounting profession and its firms. This followed on from the work we did with the Institute on the Future Firms report, which...

The Copenhagen Catalog

This year’s TechFestival in Copenhagen was a great event with a soul, and pulled together people from all over the world who want to see technology have a positive impact on our world (good write up here). Within the event, Thomas Madsen-Mygdal pulled together a...

Four Key Lessons on Trust & Transparency from Volkswagen

Although not strictly an Internet of Things (IoT) issue, the Volkswagen scandal that broke last week, revealing that Volkswagen had used software embedded in over 11 million vehicles to fool EPA testing for nitrogen oxide (NOx), and in the process pumping over a...