Breaking the vicious circle and making work suck less

Earlier this week I was fortunate to meet Laszlo Bock, SVP of People Operations at Google at his LSE talk. The topic was Bock’s new book Work Rules! – a call for companies and individuals to experiment with ways to make work suck less. Bock argues for revisiting...

Why your organisation needs an employee led digital identity

Together with Lee Bryant of PostShift, I am running a seminar on Digital Identity: Running Thought Leadership Campaigns on Social Media on Tues. June 9th in London. Details here.   There are compelling stories emerging from different sectors of employees using...

CEOs Should Listen More, Speak Less On Enterprise Social Platforms

This post was updated 08/11/16 Leadership involvement is an effective way of encouraging employees to adopt social collaboration platforms and ESNs, but it also risks reinforcing some of the mindset and behaviours that these projects are trying to overcome. Too often,...

Does your Enterprise Social Network deliver business value?

(Image by Jason Samfield) This post was updated 08.11.16 There is increasing interest in how to accelerate user adoption of enterprise social platforms and networks (ESNs). From our project experience, we see that adoption in many companies has slowed down...

HR Tech London: Social Collaboration Case Studies

With the HR Tech London conference in town last week, we had an opportunity to gather some more case studies, to extend our collection started at the E2.0 Summit in Paris back in February. As someone who always enjoys being ‘boots on the ground’ in the...