Sharing our thinking in the open helps connect with others trying to advance the future of digital working. Our archive of articles and links is open and available below.
Why throwing out job families is a good first step to creating a future-proof talent strategy.
In HR, the concept of job families is one example of a practice that needs revising to stay relevant. Clustering a set of roles into a ‘job family’ allowed for transparency in rewards, promotions and career paths, but today this can create artificial barriers to collaboration and personal development.
The Tell-tale Heart of Team Failure
At the end of a conference presentation, I was recently asked “how can I tell if an enterprise agile team is failing?”. A question for which I didn’t have an immediate satisfactory answer…
Change the system, change the culture
The challenge of transforming large, complex organisations that have grown up around calcified hierarchies and process management structures is a hard one, so we should not be surprised that people often have different areas of focus or emphasis about where to start and what matters. But at some point, we have to face up to and challenge the core system that sustains the old and holds back change…
Different stages of Digital Transformation and why we can’t run before we learn to walk
Tempting as it is to rush straight to digital innovation, the underpinning platform, digital literacy and ways of working need to be in place to have a good chance of success. On the other hand, we should not see digital as just a better email client or a way to automate poorly designed processes. Although this is a critical first step, too often we see companies stop there. Once companies become digitally mature, they need to strive for transformation and innovation in the ways they do things and ultimately in ‘what’ they do…
Joining The Future Workforce
The circular conversation about robots taking all the jobs rumbles on. In some industries however we see the dawning realisation that automation is not occupation-focussed, but task focussed, and the composition of tasks dictates how fast a role will be automated....
A Practical Approach to Mapping & Developing Digital Talent
As organisations try to keep up with progress on digital innovations, demand for ‘digital talent’ has become a hot topic. There is much anxiety about the lack of existing digital talent - but do we have an agreed definition of what it is? Many focus on the purely...
The Untapped Opportunity for Internal Comms and Digital Transformation
This weeks curator, Laura-Jane Parker, considers the role internal communications should fill for digital-age organisations. Last week, I was able to take some time away from work to attend a showcase of award-winning digital workplaces from across the world. Internal...
Share the pain, multiply the gains: the role of the Digital Leadership Group
This weeks curator, Cerys Hearsey examines the role of Chief Digital Officer and how they set the tone for organisation-wide transformation efforts. Organisations that want to become agile and adaptive often hire a central Chief Digital Officer to guide their...
The Copenhagen Catalog
This year’s TechFestival in Copenhagen was a great event with a soul, and pulled together people from all over the world who want to see technology have a positive impact on our world (good write up here). Within the event, Thomas Madsen-Mygdal pulled together a...
How do you change the place where work happens?
Welcome back to the Post*Shift Linklog, picking back up after our summer break. This week's contributor, Laura-Jane Parker, reflects on the challenges faced by organisations in encouraging new ways of working. The digital workplace tools landscape has had a shake-up...
Summer Reading – See You In September!
This week's curator, Laura-Jane Parker, wraps up the Post*Shift Linklog for the summer with some longer reads on the future of work to take you through until September. At Post*Shift this time of year is often when the pace of work slows down a little. Many of our...
Leadership Mindsets for the Digital Age
This week’s curator Cerys Hearsey, explores the mindset needed for leading digital change in large organisations, and how this manifests into three different scales of thinking. The early days of digital change within organisations highlighted how essential the role...