Sharing our thinking in the open helps connect with others trying to advance the future of digital working. Our archive of articles and links is open and available below.

The Tell-tale Heart of Team Failure

At the end of a conference presentation, I was recently asked “how can I tell if an enterprise agile team is failing?”. A question for which I didn’t have an immediate satisfactory answer…

Change the system, change the culture

The challenge of transforming large, complex organisations that have grown up around calcified hierarchies and process management structures is a hard one, so we should not be surprised that people often have different areas of focus or emphasis about where to start and what matters. But at some point, we have to face up to and challenge the core system that sustains the old and holds back change…

Different stages of Digital Transformation and why we can’t run before we learn to walk

Tempting as it is to rush straight to digital innovation, the underpinning platform, digital literacy and ways of working need to be in place to have a good chance of success. On the other hand, we should not see digital as just a better email client or a way to automate poorly designed processes. Although this is a critical first step, too often we see companies stop there. Once companies become digitally mature, they need to strive for transformation and innovation in the ways they do things and ultimately in ‘what’ they do…

The Copenhagen Catalog

This year’s TechFestival in Copenhagen was a great event with a soul, and pulled together people from all over the world who want to see technology have a positive impact on our world (good write up here). Within the event, Thomas Madsen-Mygdal pulled together a...

Summer Reading – See You In September!

This week's curator, Laura-Jane Parker, wraps up the Post*Shift Linklog for the summer with some longer reads on the future of work to take you through until September. At Post*Shift this time of year is often when the pace of work slows down a little. Many of our...

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